Listening Club Beethoven's Razumovsky string quartets


The Razumovsky string quartets of 1806 are tremendous examples of Ludwig van Beethoven’s heroic style. Powerful, extensive, and challenging, they caused astonishment at the time. But to a contemporary who was baffled by them, Beethoven said: “They are not for you, but for a later age.” These days we recognise them for what they are: masterpieces of nineteeth-century music.

The course consists of three films and a Q&A session. It covers the context of the music, explores details in the score, and offers key takeaways on each of the three Razumovsky quartets. It is part of an ongoing Listening Club series covering other great works including Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos and Handel’s Messiah.

Click here to watch a preview.

These recorded lectures are available to watch at any time on a dedicated web page, and the films will not expire. In addition, those signing up to the course by the end of February 2025 will be invited to join Sandy for a live Zoom to discuss the music and raise any questions they may have.

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